Daymond John, an investor on the ABC reality series “Shark Tank,” spends weekends at his cabin in Dutchess County, when time allows. Credit Meredith Heuer for The New York Times

Daymond John, an investor on the ABC reality series “Shark Tank,” travels roughly 280 days a year. When he is in New York, chances are he is in Midtown. From the Empire State Building, Mr. John, 47, runs Fubu, an apparel company he founded with three friends in Queens nearly a quarter-century ago. After work, he simply crosses the street to get home, where he lives with his partner, Heather Taras, and their 5-month-old daughter, Minka, in a high-rise. It is a convenient setup for work, but when it is time to play he prefers woodpeckers and grass to concrete and pigeons. On weekends, he sometimes skips town and drives north to his cabin in Dutchess County, which sits on several hundred acres.


Mr. John feeding his chickens and guinea hens. “I don’t eat them — they’re my friends,” he said. Credit Meredith Heuer for The New York Times

ALL ABOUT THAT BASS I’ll wake up at 5:30 because the fish don’t wait for anybody. When I look on my lake, the fog is generally very, very thick. I know then that I’m on time to catch the fish. It’s summertime, so the air is decent. Hopefully I’ll usually catch maybe 15 largemouth bass. That’s a great day. Let’s say eight — let’s average it off at eight.

FISH AND EGGS I’ll go feed my guinea hens. I think I have 150. I don’t eat them — they’re my friends. I let them roam the yard. They eat a fairly large amount of bugs and ticks. I’ll go get fresh eggs from the chickens. By 9:30 I’ll be eating. I’ll fillet the fish, batter them and fry some. My significant other might go and eat her own stuff. She’s like, “I don’t want to have fish for breakfast. Why would I want fish and eggs?”


Mr. John with his 5-month-old daughter, Minka. Credit Meredith Heuer for The New York Times

WORK UP AN APPETITE I probably take a nap. Now it’s suddenly 12 o’clock. I try to go and get some form of exercise: flipping a tire — you flip it, boom, like 20 times — or running down my driveway or going over the bike trails. It’s called the Rail. I’ll bike that — by myself, could be with my friend Champ, with my significant other. Then I’ll go and eat on the Hudson River somewhere, like Shadows on the Hudson.

THE BIRDS I get back around 5. I check on the chickens, check on my fruit trees. I have some peaches and some pears and some grapes growing. I make sure I have my bird feeders up.

AND THE BEES I’ll check on my bees. There was a company that came on “Shark Tank” called Bee Thinking. They believed that when the honeybee goes away, we only have four years left on the planet. I bought the hive off them right there on the set. I started to do research. I became so fascinated. Now I have a million and a half bees. Sometimes I’ll go look at them for an hour, see how they’re interacting.

TARGET PRACTICE I’ll do some skeet shooting. Then I actually throw knives — you know, like the old magicians. I’ll throw for about a half-hour because it’s really tiring.

FRIENDS THAT GRILL TOGETHER I’ll put something on the grill. Champ may come over. My groundskeeper may be up there. Or not. My life is filled with friends. They say a friend is somebody you can call up at 3 in the morning and say, ‘Come help me bury a body.’ I have a couple of friends like that. I’m very, very lucky.

MOSTLY MOVIES I’ll go to a movie or just relax and create a fire. I like all the “Casino”-type movies, gangster movies, all the action movies, then of course the stupid ones: “Dumb and Dumber” and any Ben Stiller movie. I don’t think I’ve watched a new television show in six, seven years. I don’t even watch “Shark Tank.” It’s intense — I may be thinking about how much money I may have lost on that deal. If I go and get hooked on “Black Is the New Whatever” or the zombie thing — I can’t afford to get hooked. I don’t have time. So I go to my old one: “Sex and the City.” It’s timeless.


Mr. John, right, relaxing with his friend Champ Nichols. “They say a friend is somebody you can call up at 3 in the morning and say, ‘Come help me bury a body,’” Mr. John said. “I have a couple of friends like that.” Credit Meredith Heuer for The New York Times

THIS THING CALLED LIFE Starting around 8, 9 p.m., I start going into work mode. It’s not like, “Oh, my God, I have to go back to work.” I’m very excited about it. I’m a kid who came from Hollis, Queens. We were all told, “You’re going to be dead or in jail by 21.” Now look at me. Life is too good. So I’m either going to get hit by a car tomorrow or — I don’t know. It’s still good, right, because I’ve lived 10 lives. It’s like Prince: Don’t cry for him. He lived an amazing life.